To support collaborative research and development (R & D) in advanced materials, PRIMA Québec is launching a new call for projects. This funding program was designed to help establish collaborations between industry and the research community (universities, CCTT or public research centers).

Advanced material can be defined as any new or significantly improved material or material that provides a significant performance advantage (physical or functional) compared to commonly used conventional materials.

Submitted projects must clearly present the impact of the projects on research, training and economic development.


In accordance with its strategic plan, PRIMA Québec encourages the submission of projects concerning the development of advanced materials applied to Quebec’s key sectors, such as transportation and infrastructure, energy, environment, textiles, electronics and health …

The technologies targeted by this call for projects concern all types of application sectors:

  • The formulation and development of advanced materials such as: micro / nanoparticles, fibers, engineered wood, biomaterials, concrete, polymer, composite, multifunctional materials, glass, ceramics, metals and alloys, semiconductors;
  • The integration of these materials into finished or semi-finished products;
  • Advanced processes such as additive manufacturing, surface treatments, multiphysics simulation, modeling, composites and / or polymer shaping;
  • Characterization instruments for advanced materials.

Letter of intent: October 28, 2024, at noon

Submitting projects: December 2, 2024, at noon

Results announced: end of March 2025

Financial component: Innovation projects in partnership with a public research centre

  1. SME component (an SME is a company with less than 250 employees) :
    • minimum 1 SME, one with a presence in Québec (R&D or production);
    • a large company and/or a company outside Québec can participate in the project as a 2nd industrial partner;
    • 40 % Max PRIMA contribution  (Max 1.5M$), 80% Max cumulative public contribution;
    • 20 % Max global cost of the R&D project contribution from the industrial partner (If the SME is in partnership with one or more large companies, the Québec SME must provide at least 20% of the minimum private contribution required. If several SMEs with a large company, the total contribution of Québec SMEs must represent at least 20% of the minimum private contribution required);
    • management fees :  4% (of the global cost of the R&D project) divided between MEIE and the industrialists according to their contributions to the project.
  2. Large company component :
    • minimum 1  large company with a presence in Québec (R&D or production);
    • a company outside Québec can participate in the project as a 2nd industrial partner;
    • 20 % Max PRIMA contribution  (Max 1M$), 60% Max cumulative public contribution;
    • 40 % Min global cost of the R&D project contribution from the industrial partner, 50% of the contribution can be in kind;
    • management fees :  2% (of the global cost of the R&D project) divided between MEIE and the industrialists according to their contributions to the project.


PRIMA Québec will hold a webinar, september 24, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., click here to register.


For eligibility criteria or to discuss your innovation project, contact:

Michel Lefèvre
Director – Programs & International Collaborations
514 284-0211 ext. 227

Calendar: Spring and Fall

Spring Fall
Call for projects launch date 2nd Monday of February 2nd Monday of September
Applications deadline Last Friday of May First Monday of December
Webinar End of February End of September
Projects evaluation Early September Early March
Results announced Not later than the end of September Not later than the end of March

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