Portrait of Advanced Materials


The Ecosystem’s Portrait – Updated

MAY 2024Since the publication of the last two editions of this study by E&B Data, PRIMA Québec has identified new companies active in the advanced materials sector, including start-ups. To some extent, the 2018 and 2021 editions therefore underestimated the reality in terms of the number of companies. As a result, the aggregate estimates for employment and sales were also underestimated.


The Ecosystem’s Portrait – Updated


To give you an idea, today, more than 470 companies are active in the development, production or integration of advanced materials, or in the development or production of equipment associated with advanced materials. This represents more than 45,000 jobs in Quebec and some $14 billion in revenues.

For more details refer to: Advanced Materials: An Industry of Innovation and Prosperity


The Ecosystem’s Portrait

JUNE 2018

Advanced materials show undeniable potential and contribute to the advancement of Quebec’s manufacturing sector. In collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade (MEDIET) and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), PRIMA Québec mandated E&B Data and Deloitte to produce Quebec’s first-ever advanced materials ecosystem profile. With more than 340 companies, 33,000 jobs and some 500 researchers active within research centres, the resulting profile highlighted the vitality of this cutting-edge sector while providing an overview of the application sectors that stimulate innovation.

For more details refer to: Advanced Materials: A Strategic Sector for Quebec

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